LPA Blog

  • Care Model

Redesigning Your Care Model for a Sustainable Future in Home Care


Do you need help understanding how upcoming changes in the home care sector will affect your organisation? With the introduction of the Aged Care Bill 2024, it's crucial for providers like you to stay informed and proactive. While some aspects of the new bill remain uncertain, taking early steps to prepare can help you remain competitive in the evolving aged care landscape.

  • Lorraine Poulos And Associates Aged Care Online Training And Workshops

Navigating the Changes in Home Care: How the Aged Care Bill 2024 Impacts Home Care providers


Do you need help understanding how upcoming changes in the home care sector will affect your organisation? With the introduction of the Aged Care Bill 2024, it's crucial for providers like you to stay informed and proactive. While some aspects of the new bill remain uncertain, taking early steps to prepare can help you remain competitive in the evolving aged care landscape.

Supporting Complex Care Needs in the Home


We all know that as we age our needs can very quickly become more complex. As providers of government-funded programs it is our responsibility to manage these changes. In home care this can be tricky as we have very limited involvement in care provision and monitoring.

  • LPA

The Importance of Defensible Documentation in Home Care


Accurate and defensible documentation is the backbone of effective patient management and care coordination. It enables providers to maintain continuity of care by capturing vital information such as patient assessments, treatment plans, medication administration, and progress over time.